I’m at an internet cafe in Spreewald, Germany. It’s about 100km south of Berlin. I’m on my way to Poland, which is probably another 500km, and I’m not sure what to expect. I’ve had very little luck with finding internet the past few days, so it may be more from Brian Davis than from me. (I say this as if it’s a bad thing, but I’ve had a TON of requests for more guest writing from Brian.)
Here’s some pictures from the past few days.
Lauren, Jesse, Ben and Shea, waiting for the bus to take us to the train to take us to a boat taxi to get to the awards ceremony.
This is the local Hamburg food I wasn’t willing to try before the race. Now I wonder why I even bothered after the race. (it’s fish and potato in a past under eggs.)
This is a booze cruise on a canal in Luben, where we stayed for a day (and where I’m writing this post). The town is bulid on canals, and there’s a part of it where you can only get around by canoe. I went for a paddle ride with my mom.
See? Paddling.
This is the loop we kayaked. (I love my Garmin).
This is one of those houses that’s only accessible by boat. (Well, maybe they have a path behind, but they tell the tourists that it’s all boats.)
This is some guy with a cart behind a tractor. This was right outside out hotel, just to give you an idea of the area we’re in.
We’re having a pretty relaxing few days of travel. Like I said, I’m not sure what it’s going to be like traveling through Poland. I was told that when you drive through Poland, you should always leave a day or two extra to get to where you’re going. I’m thinking my English is not going to be very helpful in a couple hundred more kilometers.
Next time I post I’m going to do a little equipment review. I was pointed to a string on slowtwitch.com that questioned my bike choice, and I think it’s worth putting up a post about why I like the Beyond Frames. I don’t know “generic” frames, but either way, who cares? The bike is fast and Beyond is a small company with excellent customer service. I’ll also put up some stuff about swimming gear.
You’re just missing your TYR visor. Nice Garmin product placement too 8)
Congrats!!! Can’t wait to hear how it goes in Poland since you’ve conquered Germany. Are Mom and Dad having fun yet???
How I wish I was there. I miss the old days of traveling– the 4 of us.