Holiday in Germany


Monday we (meaning my parents) decided to drive north to see the German coast where Germans take vacations (this explains a lot about their culture). I used my forerunner to plot out the trip, so I could just show you rather than trying to explain exactly where we went. (click on the image below)

Garmin on Dash

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The drive there was a little scary. The last time I was on the autobahn was in 7th grade. It scared me then, and it scares me now. (My dad too)

ben and dad scared in car

Check out the windmills powering Germany, I think they’re beautiful. It’d be nice if the people of Eastern Washington would stop complaining and let the clean energy in.


We went to a town northwest of Hamburg called Busum. It is apparently a very popular holiday location for Germans. We were told there was a swimming beach, and cute little shops…it sounded like the Jersey Shore, or the Santa Cruz boardwalk or something.


Not really. We parked on the harbor (above), and walked around the town (it took about 30 minutes to decode the pay station).

I’m not sure how they named the place, but Busum sounds like a nice warm place. If I were on my the naming committee it would have been named “Frigid” or “Misery Beach” or “Grassy beach with old people in speedos and young people in three layers of wool.” I’m pretty sure winter comes early in Busum.

benand dad

That’s me and my dad in the middle of town, which is separated from the sea by a giant levy. You can’t seem my hands because despite the artificial smile, I was pretty cold. What we saw next blew my mind.

busy beach

The beach was FREEZING!!! but they had all these huts. If you paid 3 Euros to get onto the grass beach you could sit in a wind shelter and wear your wool. I’m certain that would have just been thrilling. (you can see in the water there’s somebody SWIMMING!!! BRRRR!!!!

happy couple in hut

Even in the 20 mph winds and weather in the 50s, there were guys like this that seemed perfectly content. I don’t think he would be any happier on Waikiki. Today I asked a German guy (more on that in my next post) about how people could sit on a beach so cold. He said it’s because they have nothing better. “You just get used to it.” I’m sorry, Seattle has a bunch of cold beaches, but you won’t see me sitting on the rocks in a tiny suit when it’s 50 degrees out.

Old man and the sea - err, speedo, er ??

After we left Busum my mom convinced us to go check out a beach that is so shallow you can walk over a kilometer out in knee deep water. I was pretty excited to see this, but I passed out and didn’t wake up until we were on the way home. Here’s what I missed – my mom walking on water, and kiteboarders (I love kiteboarding.)

mom on water

Kiteboarding in Germany

After coming back to Hamburg we went all over looking for a ricecooker (didn’t find it), and after eating a salad I passed out and slept until 7:30 this morning. I think I’m over the jetlag. Right now I’m going to ride the course with some Aussies I met swimming this morning.

Published by Ben

Ben Collins Professional Triathlete

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  1. I think if those people had wetsuits then they wouldn’t need those ice fishing huts. I see that with no mention of Brian Davis, that you’re over him now – though I suspect he can’t move on and will read this blog post again and again.

  2. Wow, Brian Loren and Christine. If it weren’t for google analytics I would think you were the only ones to read my blog.

    Loren, it wasn’t your nice blue multi-tool I “stole” it was one of your two heavy as brick older kits. Had I intended to steal one though, I certainly would have gone for the gold.

  3. We’re the only ones competing for your attention – with Brian and Soda also competing for your affection. I actually found my blue multi – so thanks for not stealing that. The other one is a family heirloom from a great great great grandfather. So thanks for lifting that one. I hope that you lose that blue seventy t-shirt. Please tell me you brought more than that. Brian, the guest house is empty if you want to come visit. Bring the wife, teach me to swim. I will not poop in the open water.

  4. This is fun to read…and good pictures, too, (I like the mom walking on water and the autobahn adventures…) . Race? what race? Enjoy that breakfast buffet!

  5. I think it’s time to declare a party when Ben returns from the races!!! Jean is right, this is fun to read, 1) because of Ben’s spirit, and 2) because of all the great people supporting him. I foresee one heck of a party 🙂

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