It has a ring to it, doesn’t it?
I don’t have time to do a full race report, but I want to let everyone know that I did it. I’m stoked. Hella stoked. I’ll write more when I can, but I have a ton of ceremonies to get to, so it will have to wait until I have time to do it justice.
A quick thanks to my Mom and Dad, Mike McMahon (coach), Loren Pokorny, All my sponsors, but especially Beyond Fabrications for such a sweet bike, and all the folks in Hawaii and Seattle that encouraged me along the way (Brian, Kurt, Rory, Matt, Braden, Jesus, Chris, Mike, etc.) and if I left your name off I haven’t fogotten, but I have 20 minutes to get to a ceremony 20 minutes away and I haven’t even shaved my face yet, so I’ll get to you later when I can think. Thank you everyone!!
Congrats Ben Collins! – 2007 US National and World Champion, tomorrow Professional Triathlete.
I’m jealous of your business card and title.
Wow—You da man!!!!!Nice job my friend, that’s just awesome!!!!The whole Tiburon crew is jumping up and down cheering for you. Congrat’s–enjoy the moment—you earned it.
Congrats! What an awesome achievement!!
Totally AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! I was up late to watch it and my computer wouldn’t let the broadcast come through so I set my alarm and woke up 2 hours later and watch you cross the finish line but then all I could understand was some giberish that was German and your name so I had no idea where you finished…. anyhow CONGRATS!!! and my brother is way impressed too!
wow! congratulations!
I’ll be impressed when you get a *real* job.
way to go, Ben! I look forward to hearing the details. I’m also looking forward to seeing how you stack up against the field in Poland next weekend.
Don’t you have a good degree from a good school? This is what they taught you? Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to UH. Good job Ben, we are all proud of you.
This is SO Fantastic! Congratulations!
Excellent job, Ben!
SCHWEEEET!!! Congrats!
Congratulations Ben! I am so excited for you. Can’t wait to read about the rest of the details.
Congrats, Ben. It’s an honor to have beaten you in a race once (Lanikai “Duathlon” 2006).
Holy Crap, is this for real?
So I’m just catching up on your blog after being away from internet service all weekend, but fortunately I found out in perfect time since I called mom and dad just after you crossed the finish line. I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!
good job kiddo… call me when you’re back and ready to celebrate. you might be a world champ, but i can still drink your ass under the table any day:)
Dude, so excellent, I knew you would pull it off when I talked to you on the phone. have fun in europe in the meantime and lets talk when you get back. so freaking predictable from the likes of you, but in such a good way. congradulations on figuring out how not to work a ‘job’. so, will I see you in the springs this year?
much love,
CONGRATS BEN!! swimmers make the best triathletes!!
Hey Ben!
Trish just told me the news!
That is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!
I am so proud I can say I knew you when you ate an entire sheet cake for your birthday.
much love,
Haven’t checked in awhile, sorry if this is a bit belated, but: Congratulations!!