Happy Thanksgivin09999999999999999999999999999999999g!

This post is for my family and friends  (including my cat, Troy, who thought the post title  needed changing).  May you all have many thanks.

I ran a 5km Turkey Trot this morning in Tacoma.  Kurt and I forgot out cameras, so we don’t have a picture of how cool we looked after both nearly familydying on the final mile, which climbed back up the hill we had meandered down for the first two miles.  At home, the feast had already begun.  I walked into a house filled with wonderful smells of turkey, stuffing, roasted vegetables, home made bread, and all the things that the Americans reading this probably have saran wrapped inside their fridges tonight.  We had dinner, we drank, friends came for dessert we watched a movie.  Another Thanksgiving, but I can see why this is my dad’s favorite holiday.  The time with my family reminded me of how much I have to be thankful for.

I accomplished a lot of goals this year, but I didn’t do any of them alone. My parents made it   out to nearly every race I did. My dad even stayed up most of the nights before races so that his snoring wouldn’t ruin my sleep while we shared hotel rooms.  They’ve fed me, put up with my quirks, seen my at my worst and still offered support.

I really couldn’t be blessed with a better support staff.  Regardless, my parents may own the hotel, but there are a lot more people on staff.  2007 is my first year with a brother. Not so much because it was my sister’s first year of marriage, but because it was the first time that Matthew and I have been in the same town at the same time.  It’s not easy to see your partner in crime run off with an east coast boy, but getting to know Matthew has been a journey that makes it worthwhile. Actually, in getting to know my brother-in-law, I’ve gotten to see my sister a lot more. It means a lot that they support me.

2007_Treasure_Island 003 They’re not alone.  I had help this year from a lot of friends, not the least of which came from a guy I only met in January.  Loren and Greta took me in and made me part of their family, and that feels incredible.

This weekend I’m taking off for a few days.  I’m going to be away from computers, phones, and triathlon.  It’s me time, and I feel like I deserve it. I’ll take pictures, and hopefully have some stories to go with them when I get back.

There are a lot more people to thank, and I will. Carl, Boomer, Katie, and Jesse, I miss you. My friends in Seattle, San Francisco, Honolulu, and the global CU entourage… I love you too.



Ok, one last thing to be thankful for: My broken Serfas still make Troy happy, even if they no longer work as sunglasses.

Published by Ben

Ben Collins Professional Triathlete

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  1. Your commitment and accomplishments make us Highly Motivated supporters! Quite the adventure to share your endeavors in training and the thrill of the races. Great season, enjoy some time for you. Hope everyone had a special day for giving thanks and doing fun activities.

    Love, Mom and Dad

    Klepto the Crow awaits your return to the track! Potato chips just aren’t the same as Gu.

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