Off Season has Begun!

And that means cake, beer, ice cream, brownies, chocolate cake, and Chinese food!!  Ok, maybe not so much, but it does mean I have a few weeks to do what I want, rather than what I need. I can work on my six pack, learn how to row with my Mom (if she’ll teach me), ride my bike wherever I want for as long as I want.

Thanksgiving07 027 So far, however, doing what I want has pretty much meant studying organic chemistry.  My ankle is bugging me, so I cut my camping trip short last weekend (studying chemistry in a cabin in the woods is cool, wanting to hike and not being able to is really not cool).  I did go for one trail run while I was there, and I got to use my new Brooks Cascadia 3 trail running shoes.  They were awesome. They grip well, and they fit my feet well.  My ankle was already messed up before the run, so I can’t blame the shoes.  The new bright red color also matches my Northwave Polar Fleece Jacket.  (one last geeky product mention, my Garmin Nuvi 200 has state parks programmed in, so I just put in the trail head I wanted to go to and it got me there.  It was way easier than the sometimes cryptic directions in hiking books.)

Today I took my third Chemistry exam of the quarter.  I really hate the quarter system, we spend more time getting ready for exams than actually learning material.  The class is curved, which is good because everyone was complaining afterwards (the last test had a 62% average, this one may be lower).

To celebrate a night without studying to do, I rented Live Free or Die Hard. It was far better than I expected. My dog and cat were clinging to the carpet for fear of being thrown into orbit by the next thump of the sub-woofer, and my dad got a great isometric core workout while balancing on the edge of his seat.  It was just the kind of mind numbing, predictable action I needed after that exam.

Oh yeah, I also went in for my annual physical today.  Since I was in Hawaii last year, I had to find a new doctor, then I rode to his office from school, but left my street clothes in my gym locker.  The look made it a bit of a challenge to get into the doctors office because people kept trying to send me next door to the sports medicine clinic. It was all worth while for the look on my doctors face when he introduced himself to a guy in bib tights and cycling shoes (and a bit awkward when he asked me to pull down my pants).

Published by Ben

Ben Collins Professional Triathlete

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  1. Personally I like that your whole family can get a workout from watching a movie, must me some movie. I wish I had cool/warm clothing to ride in, I have to wear about 6 layers and then my toes still take a half and hour soaking to defrost.

  2. I lived in NH where the state motto is live free or die – but no mention of how hard you have to die, I assume it’s never much fun. I’m glad there is someone out running in as foolish an outfit as I would dare to run in. I never had dorothy shoes though.

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