
In my last post I said the hills would tumble when I attacked them on Tuesday. It was true, though I think it had more to do with Todd Herriott’s poker faced attacks that left me wobbly for the first part of my cool down run. (He would look like he wasn’t even breathing, then he just doubled his speed and took off. Next week I’m keeping up.)image

I need to work on my poker face. If I’m hurting it’s pretty obvious. I also found out when my sister and brother-in-law came over a few nights ago that my literal poker face is pretty poor. Mathew (the B’n-law) called exactly what was in my hand both times I actually had something. "Ben has the full house". True. "Ben has two pair". True again.

This weekend is the Men’s NCAA Championships in Federal Way, about 50 miles from my house. I’m heading down there on Saturday to watch, along with a gaggle of ex-swimmer friends. For those unfamiliar with the event, NCAA Champs is the pinnacle of college swimming. The A cuts (which are an automatic qualifying time) are the fastest time standards of any swim meet. Sure it’s harder to get to the Olympics for people who live in swimming powerhouse countries like the USA and Australia, but the minimum standards are slower, so that more countries can participate.

I’m stoked to watch some fast swimming. Maybe it’ll inspire me to enter some swim meets this season.

Probably not.

Published by Ben

Ben Collins Professional Triathlete

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  1. Is that why you didn’t want me to open one of my new decks? Come to think of it, that whole poker set was a gift from you! What is this, you give me a present and then use it to win the money back that you spent on it? Why did my sister have to marry such a trickster?

  2. I don’t even know why someone would play poker with you. You’re probably smiling or making a pouty face (also known as the ‘I’m going to eat face’ and ‘there’s no more yogurt’ face). I also don’t know what you gamble with – clif shots, goggles?

  3. act/be agressive and strong when you DO you have a good hand…in fact act that way all the time in poker. most people make the mistake of acting strong when they have a weak hand, and acting weak when they have a strong hand.

    as far as tells go, try to make everything you do at the table on every hand habitual. i like to smile and laugh so i try to do that pretty much every hand, not just when i have a good one.

    actually I’m not that great either. although last time i played a real game was at my sister’s in colorado. there were about 8-10 people in the game, including some good players, and I ended up finishing 2nd. I was living in the gambling hotspot Reno at the time and it prompted everyone in the game to call me “Reno Remaly” and I got a lot more respect than I deserved because of that. Even though I’ve never played cards in a casino.

    Very cool about getting to watch the NCAA’s. That should be a lot of fun. The women’s meet last weekend was very fast – I would expect a lot of records to fall in the men’s meet as well.

  4. Now that you Sister SUSAN made a false statment I need to clear the air. You are correct you need to work on your pokerface. I did not even look at my cards Half the time. As for the cards being marked…. Only with the Tears from all the Losing Hands…..

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