The past week I’ve done way more time on my bike and in the water than pounding pavement. I want to make sure my bruised heel is good and healed (notice my proper homonym usage) before I abuse it too much. Greg’s aqua jogging (he calls it water-running) recommendations have been helpful to up my running hours.
Speaking of Greg Remaly, he showed up at Loren’s last night just before 10pm, which meant I was good for about 5 minutes of welcoming him before I hit the hay. We’re both joining Loren in the Belvedere Lagoon at some awful hour of the morning (it’s not as bad as my 5am workouts in Seattle).
This is a ride I did a week ago, and that I’m planning to drag Greg along on. I’m excited because when he passed me on the bike at Scott Tinley’s Triathlon last September he was sticking his tongue out like a dog, and I want to see if he really does that on every ride. Here’s the video, fast forward to 3 minutes 30 seconds to see what I’m talking about.
And here’s the elevation profile for the ride we’ll do, thanks to my Garmin Forerunner 305, and Motionbased. ( uses topographic data to make corrections to inherently poor elevation data produced by GPS signals. On the Edge 705, however, there’s a barometric altimeter which makes the altitude readings dead on.)
My HR had more peaks, but when I put the two lines on the same graph it was too hard to read.
Lastly, here’s a race report from Alcatraz that I wish I could put my own name on. It’s Lazy Ben’s Laziness Report (with pics!) Thanks to Peggy for that link, as I rarely scroll through Slow Twitch (nothing wrong with the STers). Lazy Ben actually took pictures while swimming in the race. That’s sweet.
greggy greg sticks his tongue out *all the time*, which causes him to get more nutrition product residue on his face/chin than i ever thought possible. please remind him to “go like this” (then make sweeping wiping motion with your hand and sleeve) every 10 minutes or so.
i love that ride route. which way did you do it, up bolinas-ffx or down? have you gone down 1 through muir woods yet? that’s a really nice ride too.
oh i am retarded at maps. this does go thru muir. much much better than going up at stinson, i approve!
THE BIG MAN! WOW Greg what is UP w/the tongue on the bike?! HAAAAA!!
You guys will have a good ride…get Greg’s legs ready for Sunday’s hill climb.
How long are you in Marin for? I want swim lessons, no matter how much you make fun of me (even if you do it on your blog).
we want more collins coverage! btw, love the electric guitar background music. Can I get that on iTunes 😉