This was my first week back at my normal training schedule. I’m delightfully exhausted, but the week was rather uneventful. My first ride in several weeks involved my buddy Aaron Trent helping me up a hill by letting me grab onto his jersey. What’s great about this time of year is that every workout is better than the previous. So yes, I had trouble getting up a short mild hill, but Aaron was the only witness, so if none of you tell anyone, then only a five or six thousand people reading this will know.
I also got my first flat of the off-season, which is good to get out of the way. Every year I get a gnarly flat in my first week of training, this year it was a carpenter’s nail stuck all the way through the tire and tube and into the rim of my wheel. Luckily it didn’t do any damage to the frame.
Last noteworthy event is that my parents finally made it to Colorado to visit me. It’s their first visit since I started training here other than when I was in the hospital with some crazy Hawaiian bacteria a couple years ago. It’s nice to have them here, but in some ways it makes me miss being home. Seattle is just such a great city.