Ok, I really didn’t think Iâ€d write again before October, but since my last posting I’ve had a change of fate. Unfortunately Aaron Scheidies still has a lost wallet and feels that the universe is conspiring against him, but I had a great weekend.
Aaron stayed last night and we went to a Juju party where everyone brings an object that has brought them bad Juju this year and throws in into a fire. I threw a representation of everything bad that’s happened this year: The complete lack of energy from trying to lose weight by fasting on lemon juice last winter, the bruised heel that kept me from racing fast at Alcatraz, the lack of preparation for the heat in Mazatlan, and the condramalasia in my knee. All those things really sucked (and were probably avoidable if I didn’t lack good judgement), so I burned them.
Today Seattle had one of the sunniest fall days I can remember, I had an awesome bike ride with no knee pain, and I had my best long run since… well… It may have been my best long run ever. And with no knee pain. So, one day at a time with injuries, I’m going to keep babying myself to make sure that the progress I’ve made towards recovery is not reversed by bad choices.
Oh, I also went sailing this afternoon with Brian and his wife Marijana (have talked about her enough on here that I can drop the “his wife†introduction?). I got to drive the boat under two draw bridges, and we made the Fremont bridge open for us, which is surprisingly empowering. Sort of like pushing the button at a cross walk and making all the cars stop just for you – only bigger. We only had about an hour of daylight by the time we were on Lake Union, but it was enough time for a casual sail around Lake Union, during which time we saw the sun set behind Queen Anne Hill and the Space Needle.
So basically I worked out a ton and then my friends made me laugh enough to pump my system full of endorphins. So – though I’m still sad about Troy – I’m not quite so depressed about the month of September. It’s nice to have friends around.
when did i unfriend you? maybe if you gave me stuff, you could be more secure in our friendship