Christmas Karma

For Christmas this year I agreed (with myself) not to do gifts (the video below shows my one exception). I may have muttered this to a few people around me, but was secretly hoping that someone wouldn’t get the memo and would send me something awesome. Karma, however, was quick to bite me for that […]


I’m sitting in my room watching last night’s episode of Lost with my legs up. This is the best part of morning workouts. What makes today particularly nice is that I am sipping on Clif Shot Recovery Hot Chocolate. It’s awesome for cold weather training. I get to rehydrate with hot cocoa! Yesterday I went […]

I’m Unstoppable!

I’m going to the beach today. Hapuna Beach Park, where the Honu Half Ironman is swam. It’s my favorite beach park in this part of the island. Normally I would be excited for a long swim around the crystal clear waters, but right now I’m pooped after having done my longest two swim workouts since […]

Fast Triathlon 2008

I’m going to Brazil to compete in the 2008 Fast Triathlon. It’s a sprint triathlon split into three mini-triathlons, with 15 minutes rest between each stage. It’s going to be awesome!! The US team will be Victor Plata, Matt Charbot and myself, and we’re planning to take some names while we kick butt!

Crash, Burn, I almost got Chicked.

Honestly, Karma’s a b****. And for some reason it’s been catching up to me really quick lately. I made fun of Brian Davis for a giant pimple on his face, and that night I woke up with a volcano ready to erupt. Then I spent a week responding to wishes of "good luck" with "I […]

My Future’s so Dry, I Gotta Wear Socks

Treasure Island Triathlon is now a Duathlon. I have to say, the ecological damage the oil spill is doing means a lot more to me than the fact that I now have to run 6.5km really fast in order to get into a good group on the bike. All the poor birds! A little knowledge […]

Dude behind the Camera

In Lausanne last year I was lucky enough to have a video documentary taken of my experience. The goal was to provide video footage for USAT to use in making a film about a first-timer’s trip to a world championship. It would have turned out really well, except that I crashed, and it’s not exactly […]

Blind Reincarnate

I had a plan for a post of my own for today. Actually, I was hoping Brian could share how exactly he managed to break his wrist and end up owing me $85, but he can’t type (or ride a bike over railroad tracks, apparently). Last night, while my wrist ached with empathy pains, I […]